If the support function of the pelvic floor fails, prolapse symptoms can occur.
Common symptoms of prolapse:
- a heavy feeling in the vagina
- a visible or palpable “ball” in the vagina
- a pressure or feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen
- a feeling of tightness in the lower back
- the feeling to sit on something
- difficulties with urinating or defecating
There may be a prolapse of:
- anterior vagina wall (bladder prolapse or cystocele)
- posterior vagina wall (bowel prolapse or rectocele)
- uterus (uterusprolaps)
- small interstine (enterocele)
- furthermore it is possible that multiple organs prolapse at once
In case of mild to moderate problems, pelvic prolapse therapy can be suffecient. If the pelvic floor muscles become stronger and are used correctly the prolapse symptoms will reduce. In addition, it is also important to reduce abdominal pressure. This is the pressure which is present in the abdominal, pelvic cavity. This can be reduced by learning proper relaxation of the abdomen.
Even if a prolapse must be corrected surgically, it is useful to learn using the pelvic floor muscles in the proper way. This is important to maintain the surgical result as good as possible and to prevent the re-emergence of a possible subsidence.